Vantage VIP Trading Room

Get exclusive market insights and one-to-one consultation with our pool of top tier analysts

Actionable & Educational Market Insights

Use your mouse to hover over the bolded words to get a better understanding of how our analysts arrived at the market insight. Every market insight has a clear and actionable outcome.

Revolutionary New Way of Asking Questions

Link your questions to chart objects directly leaving little room for misinterpretations.

Clear Questions = Clear Answers

Request for Research

In the Vantage VIP Room, you can request for insights and research on any particular instrument. Our top tier analysts will be more than glad to share their insights with you.

Slide into their DMs​

Have a question you’d like to ask a professional analysts directly? Simply slide into their DMs with our full-fledge direct messaging system.

Meet The Analysts

From the award-winning Everest Fortune Group

You Grow, We Grow

At Vantage Markets, we’re dedicated to helping you grow into a better trader. Take full advantage of the Vantage VIP Trading Room to take your trading to the next level.

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